


Leoforous Christou Keli 7
Apt 101
8574 Kissonerga

Invoice Number INV-LIC4258
Invoice Date 10th May 2021
Total Due €0.00
Rachel Harrison
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Gift Box

Gift box (clear lid) to include a bottle of champagne, 2 pork pies, Italian olive oil breadsticks, Chicken liver & whisky Pate, Black Bomber waxed extra mature cheddar cheese, Queso with white wine cheese, red onion marmalade, mixed charcuterie (salami milano, prosciutto crudo, coppa), cheese stuffed sweet peppers, Gorgonzola and a loaf of nice bread (e.g. olive bread similar)
Delivered to Wayne Rogers 95530800 Akamantos Street, Peyia on Friday 21st May 2021
Message on gift tag: 'Happy 50th birthday dad love you loads Rachel, James, Evie & Ella xxx’

Sub Total €105.00
Tax €5.00
Paid -€105.00
Total Due €0.00